Confused about fats?

One minute we are told not to eat butter, the next minute we are told it is healthy!  Sometimes it is really difficult to know what is healthy and what isn’t.  In my opinion it is about balance.  Too much of anything may not be right for the body.  Also it is about your individual constitution e.g. Are you overweight?  Do you have a good metabolism?

Healthy fats include avocado, seeds, nuts, cold pressed extra virgin olive oil and oily fish (eg salmon, sardines).  Butter also is fine, however, as with all fats, you should limit the amounts and eat them in balance with good quality vegies, fruit, wholegrains and protein.  Always remember to eat food that has had little processing.  Think to yourself – could this have come straight from the farm?  If you are going to eat small amounts of butter, make sure it is organic and from grass fed cows (eg Organic Dairy Farmers butter).

Here is a link to a video called “Ending the War on Fat” which may interest you …

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