Why We Need Sleep

Sleep allows the body to recuperate and repair so it is not surprising that inadequate sleep, particularly over a period of time, can affect us negatively.  Lack of sleep can lead to: * changes in glucose regulation * changes in blood pressure * altered cognitive function  * poor immune function * hormonal changes  * increased Read More …

Botox in a Bottle!

The herb Gotu Kola, is great for healing wounds, reducing scarring and, according to some studies, reduce superficial and deep wrinkles and firm up the skin! It is thought to do this by promoting the speed and quality of connective tissue regeneration (the building blocks of most body structures).  Gotu Kola is already used in Read More …

Addicted to Carbs?

You may know of the benzodiazepine drugs Valium and Xanax. They are highly addictive drugs that help you to feel good by boosting a calming neurotransmitter in the brain.  This then activates dopamine, the gratification hormone. Did you know that a study has found extracts of wheat and potatoes contain pharmacologically active benzodiazepines? The identical Read More …

Anxiety and Panic Disorders

Science suggests that people who are prone to anxiety may have too many or too few neurotransmitters in the brain. Neuro-transmitters, such as gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) and Serotonin, are thought to be low in Anxiety and Panic Disorders.  So what can we do to help these neurotransmitters?  Herbal medicine and certain nutrients can balance Read More …